Lessons of 2023 - Blessings for 2024!

Lessons of 2023 - Blessings for 2024!

Hey everyone! Currently recovering from Covid AND strep (some holiday staycation, am I right!?), so I figured I'd share a few lessons from the wild ride that was 2023...

At the beginning of the year, I was still on blood thinners, recovering from complications from our first round of IVF. We got a second opinion in April to see if we could carry our own embryo, but first I had a minor procedure to remove a polyp. Once removed, my RE team cleared me to transfer (yay!) - we were going to surprise our friends and family...until we got the call a few days later that I was being referred to an oncologist as they found pre-cancerous cells in the polyp. Embryo transfer - cancelled. They wanted to first manage the precancerous uterine cells, so they put in an IUD and I've had biopsies every 3 months since. 

Here's what I wish I knew 5 years ago - doctors won't always guide you or make recommendations, they'll say "it's your decision". Lesson One: Advocate for yourself or no one else will. Ask questions, do your own research, and ask for tests that they aren't offering. All this time, I was told my weight might be the issue, but my thyroid had never been checked. I have PCOS and yet I haven't been able to find a specialist to help educate me on the effects of the hormone imbalances. I've had to do my own research and put togethers lists...and lists...of questions. 

Mid-health challenges, I started a business. Crazy, right? I was tired on not having control over my own body and what was happening, so I wanted to focus the things I could control - my mindset and saving money. Lesson Two: Take chances. Step out of your comfort zone. When I launched 'Ivory Flamingo' to provide additional income to save for our surrogacy journey, I had no idea where to start. I had a heat press and a vision...I couldn't have imagined we would have raised over $17,000 in less than a year!

Which brings me to... Lesson Three: Be careful what you pray for, God is listening. When 'two washed-up former news anchors' (as they call themselves) decided to partner with Ivory Flamingo, it brought a larger than life support system we didn't know we needed, but had prayed so hard for. In all of the chaos that 2023 had, I've realized the importance of showing up for people, and maybe more importantly, letting others show up for you. Tomorrow isn't promised, so appreciate the people who have your back and stay fiercely loyal to them. 

As we embrace 2024, I encourage you to open your heart and share a prayer for anyone facing mental health or infertility struggles. "May the challenges of the past year transform into strength, resilience, and hope. For those struggling in the shadows of mental health, may you find the light and know how loved you are. For those navigating the difficult journey of infertility, may the path ahead be lined with unexpected joys and miracles. Amen."

Here's to a year of healing, growth, and so many blessings. Know that I am rooting for you in 2024! 

- A

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