Behind the meaning of 'Ivory Flamingo'...

Behind the meaning of 'Ivory Flamingo'...

In 2009, our love story kicked off, and in 2017, we tied the knot. Little did we know that a grueling six-year infertility battle would be our path. When traditional treatments failed, we ventured into in vitro fertilization (IVF) in September 2022, but complications led us to the world of surrogacy.

With surrogacy's hefty price tag hanging over our heads, I turned to my creative side, aiming to start a t-shirt business. What we needed was the perfect name for our venture.

The inspiration behind the name came from a story shared by my mom, involving an influencer and a flamingo tattoo. Flamingos lose their vibrant color as motherhood takes a toll on their nutrients. However, as their chicks grow, the mothers regain their bright pink color, symbolizing a return to self beyond the role of motherhood.

I wanted our t-shirt business to incorporate "IVF" into its name to mirror our journey. The flamingo's narrative perfectly encapsulated surrogacy's transformative nature, birthing "Ivory Flamingo"; a story of hope for those of us longing to lose our color someday and become mothers...

We hope that the messages on our shirts symbolize hope, faith, and the resilience of women on the path to motherhood. It's more than a brand; it's a message of support that inspires women on similar journeys and the village supporting us along the way. Through shared experiences, we rediscover our true, unapologetically vibrant colors.

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